Exactly 12 months ago I taught my first co-ed naked yoga class in London.
I remember I was so scared of being judged that only the idea of it made me feel sick. *
Despite the fact that I was petrified of teaching in a room full of naked strangers, I put my “super confident naked yoga teacher” mask on and I taught the first of many naked yoga classes.
Looking back today, I feel proud of myself for always fighting my fears, I feel grateful for all the beautiful people that crossed my naked yoga path, and I feel blessed for every person I had the privilege to help to overcome their bodies issues.
I’m providing a safe place where people can be truly and deeply themselves, they can experience the powerful confidence that comes with practicing naked.
Naked yoga is not sex and if you still relate a naked body with sexuality you are not ready for this and probably you never will.
World! Stop relating nudity with something that needs to be covered or hidden, people are beautiful, and everybody deserve to feel truly free, from judgements, from bad thoughts about themselves, from always thinking they are not enough, from always compare their bodies to someone else body.
STOP 🛑 *
Love your body now
Come to my classes and stop finding excuses, it’s just a fucking yoga class!! Happy days 🤣❤️
#teachnakedyoga #nakedyogagirllondon
#nakedyogaqueen #loveyourbody#nobodyshame #selflove #nuorishingtime#yogatrachertraining #yogaprops#followyourdreams #nojudgments#nakedyogaanniversary #splits #naturist#naturism